Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Introducing Lauren Ebbecke, Washington Twp. Alliance's new Vice President

I am pleased to announce that Lauren Ebbecke is joining forces with the Washington Township Alliance to provide much needed professional assistance to our group. I have asked her to take a leadership role so she will become our new “vice president”.

Lauren is a biology teacher with the Wausau Schools and teaches at a local technical college. She has an undergraduate degree in Biology (with particular interest in ferns)and a masters in Natural Resources from UW Steven's Point. She has been active with many, many organizations including Audubon, a Land Trust, and renewable energy initiatives. She is also a successful grant writer.

Lauren will write short articles for our local newspaper give me a lot of help in engaging landowners. She does not live on the Island, but loves it and has visited several times.

I am very excited about this collaboration and feel that it will result in renewed energy for our alliance.

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