Thursday, February 7, 2008

Welcome to our new community site


As many of you know, I have been involved with Wisconsin Family Forests for eight years and have a lot of hope for this organization as a vehicle to good community forestry.

The state organization made the decision to move from a printed version of our newsletter (which I enjoyed publishing for a few years) to a web presence. That is a hard transformation for me, as I know almost nothing about creating a website. However, I am learning something about blogging and think that it might be more appropriate for our community. Everyone can add ideas, etc., and we can operate democratically and capture the power of the whole of the community.

So, I ask your patience as I learn this new medium and welcome your concerns and questions. Scott Reed is going to help me with the parts of this I don't yet understand, and eventually I hope this is a positive addition to community connection and most of all, to the ecology and economics of the Islands.

Cindy Gaskill


Beezy said...

Great looking blog! Ill have to return to mine every once and a while and start making some posts.

Marjie Tomter said...

I think this looks great! It will be interesting to see how it takes shape and generates a following. I will post this to "my favorites"and keep on checking in.

Anonymous said...

Looking good Cindy